Research Studies
“Solutions to Pre-Clinical Teaching Challenges in First Year of the Dental Curriculum”
Dr. Samuel Elhadad and Dr. Laura Darnell; DentSim Lab NYC, Johns Hopkins University
Arriving dental students in the first year of school are challenged by acquiring very fine manual skills and understanding 3D vision of the tooth. Augmented reality technology allows instructors to break down raw information of cavity preparation into individual steps. By doing so students can work on each skill until mastered and then proceed to the next skill. That allows the student to master every single aspect of the preparation that could be transferred more efficiently when the student enters the clinic. Feedback, self-assessment and thinking forward are the key factors of this method of teaching.
“Predicting Performance in Technical Pre-Doctoral Dental Courses Using Advanced Simulation”
Riki Gottlieb, Mary A. Baechle, Charles Janus, Sharon K. Lanning, Virginia Commonwealth University
Exam scores rising as number of evaluations increase
- The DentSim course grade strongly correlates with subsequent success in Fixed Prosth and Operative
- Students acquire a complete evaluation 20 to 50 times per hour*, ten times more frequently than possible in a traditional lab (various)
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“Learning Depth and Long Axis with Virtual Reality Technology.”
Laura Darnell, DDS, Ph.D., Teaching and Learning With Emerging Technologies and Informatics: Short Talks, Session # TLCD-149.
Journal of Dental Education vol. 78 no. 2 263-314
Evaluation items, including obtaining proper preparation depth and long axis, for the group using VRT were assessed in procedures and compared with the NVR group. The amount of time to successfully achieve skills was significantly lower using VRT.
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Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Simulation System for Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown Preparation at Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Hirono Kikuchi, D.M.D., Ph.D.; Masaomi Ikeda, R.D.T., B.Sc., Ph.D.; Koji Araki, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Journal of Dental Education June 1, 2013 vol. 77 no. 6782-792, International Dental Education
- No undercuts after week 4 on crown
- Acquire psycho-motor skills faster, reduced crown undercuts (Kikuchi)
- With repetition of training and evaluation students could efficiently acquire skills with a better overall performance outcome (Kikuchi)
Faculty Impressions of Dental Students’ Performance With and Without Virtual Reality Simulation
Riki Gottlieb, D.M.D.,F.A.G.D.; Sharon K. Lanning, D.D.S.; John C. Gunsolley, D.D.S., M.S.; Judith A. Buchanan, Ph.D., D.M.
Journal of Dental Education, Volume 75, Number 11
Efficient and more self directed approach for learning clinical psychomotor skills
Computer Assisted Learning: A New Paradigm in Dental Education
Wainscott Hollis, D.D.S.; Laura A. Darnell, D.D.S., Ph.D.; Timothy L. Hottel, D.D.S., M.S., M.B.A.
J Tenn Dent Assoc. Fall;91(4):14-‐8; quiz 18-‐9
By providing these tools the student improves his or her cognitive and motor skills at a faster rate
Computer Assisted Dental Simulation as a Predictor of Preclinical Operative Dentistry Performance
Alice Urbankova, D.D.S.; Steven P. Engebretson, D.M.D., M.S.
Journal of Dental Education, Volume 75, Number 9
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The Effect of Magnification Loupes on the Performance of Pre-Clinical Dental Students
Margrit P. Maggio, DMD/Hilda Villegas, DMD/Markus B. Blatz, DMD, PhD
Pages: 45–55 PMID: 21206933